Planning And Celebrating Of A Colleague's Birthday Party

Posted on: 24 March 2020


If a colleague's birthday is quickly approaching and you could be contemplating ways to celebrate the special day, without interfering with your normal workload or omitting anyone who works alongside the guest of honor. Throw out some ideas to your co-workers and employees and set up this special kind of corporate event for an evening or a weekend.

Make Some Decisions

If your place of employment has an account that is designated for coporate events, such as birthdays or anniversaries, determine how much cash is available to fund the celebration. If money is rather limited and you will be unable to splurge on an outing that is held at a public venue, you can host the party on your company's property or at a public park.

If you still are thinking about throwing a rather large celebration that will allow everyone to enjoy themselves, without being subjected to spending a lot of money, a fundraiser or donations may be necessary. Sit down and write a list of activities that you think would be suitable for a birthday celebration. A sporting event that is either watched or participated in, a dining experience, or a cultural activity that is popular in your area can all be added to your list.

Toss the ideas around during a business meeting that doesn't include the party's special guest. Find out what others are interested in doing and gain insight about the guest of honor. For example, what they talk about during their lunches and what hobbies they have when they are not working. Anyone who is close to the individual may be able to come up with an idea that will be fitting for the occasion.

Ask For Help

Begin a party committee and ask your co-workers and employees if they would be willing to help you out with the party preparations. If you decide to host the party on your company's grounds or if you have chosen to rent space at a venue, you may need some assistance with preparing and serving food and beverages, setting up a recreational activity, purchasing and wrapping gift items that will be given to the person who is being celebrated, and aid with cleaning up, once the party is over.

Set the date for the party, on a day or an evening that everyone is in agreement on. Because the guest of honor will not be aware of what is in store, you will need to come up with a plan that will persuade them into either arriving at you business or the venue where the party is being held.